Thursday, March 12, 2009

Will run for food

Let's be honest, we run to eat. Well, at least Sonja and I do. And why not? Food seems to taste better, coffee has more of a kick and we've earned it. So I've been collecting recipes during the past year with plans to make a little book of deliciousness and share it with y'all.

I'm not sure if anyone would actually use it, but it makes a decent gift, right?

Most of them aren't recipes I came up with on my own. Maybe I tweaked them a bit (usually adding extra cheese, except for the cookie recipes) but they belong to someone else. They're from my mom, magazines, CSA newsletters and there's one for carrot cake written by Camilla's aunt. Bottom line, though: they're tasty, and even better if you chow down on them after a nice run or bike ride.

Since I have all of this free time (errr... no) and need more projects, maybe I'll get the recipe book together in the next month or so, at least an online version I can e-mail out. Some of the good stuff? Goat cheese-stuffed red peppers, fava bean pasta and sauteed new red potatoes and green beans with basil and garlic.

My latest favorite (which I had for breakfast after my six-mile run this morning) was homemade bread toasted, then spread on goat cheese and avocado, and sprinkle with some sliced red onions and a little salt'n'pepper. It would prolly be good with regular bread too :)

So that's the heads-up -- recipes to come. Work up an appetite!

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What are you searching for?

"So be prepared to quit. Do it willingly and with honest resolve. You'll be back. The marvelous thing about running is that you will never become jaded by it. Boredom, injury or anguish may overtake you from time to time, but the reward that first drew you to begin logging the miles remain untarnished and available -- always. Just put on your shoes and head out the door."